Lesson packages available

Parke O'Dwyer Vocal Studio

We emphasise an individualised singing experience. You get to learn the songs you want to learn!

Musical Theatre, Singing, Vocal Coaching
Type of learning
One-on-One, Group
Age range
All ages
Teaching since

About Parke O'Dwyer Vocal Studio

The Parke O'Dwyer Vocal Studio offers professional singing lessons using the most sought-after techniques in the world. These techniques have been tried and tested and used by over 120 Grammy Award winners and countless actors in musical theatre, television and film. As a certified Institute for Vocal Advancement instructor, Parke is a vocal coach Melbourne can depend on. He guarantees noted improvements after the very first lesson and transfers his skills of quickly identifying and rectifying vocal issues to his students.

The Parke O'Dwyer Vocal Studio offers professional singing lessons using the most sought-after techniques in the world. These techniques have been tried and tested and used by over 120 Grammy Award winners and countless actors in musical theatre, television and film. As a certified Institute for Vocal Advancement instructor, Parke is a vocal coach Melbourne can depend on. He guarantees noted improvements after the very first lesson and transfers his skills of quickly identifying and rectifying vocal issues to his students. With over twenty years of writing, recording and performance experience, and with knowledge in touring and dealing with managers and agents, he knows how the industry operates. He has coached all types of singers from signed artists to stage performers to singers that merely enjoy the hobby of developing their vocals to their full potential. Parke has a goal in his method, and that is to train voices to sing naturally from their bottom range to their top - with no breaks or change in quality. Dynamics, clarity and freedom of style are the paramount outcomes he expects from his method. His training is based on the 17th and 18th-century principles of singing that improves a singer’s range, endurance, breathing, vocal quality and strength and clarity, without placing the voice in harm or disrepair. When the basis of good vocal technique and balance is achieved, style is introduced to give you, the singer, the chance to bring originality to your training.

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Location Malvern VIC Online
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