In the Vocal Manoeuvres Academy Youth Ensemble, we inspire our young singers to challenge the status quo by empowering their minds and voices through initiatives in music education and through providing access to the finest mentors from all walks of life. Founded by Alison Rogers, the Vocal Manoeuvres Academy was created to give you, as lovers of all types of singing, access to outstanding vocal training and choral ensemble experiences led by skilled industry experts. Extending her mission to elicit the authentic voice within every person she comes into contact with, Alison has designed the programs in the Vocal Manoeuvres Academy to harness the vital resource of your authentic voice and exquisitely harmonise it within this symphony of humanity. The Vocal Manoeuvres Academy has become the 'go to' academy for people just like you who see singing as an authentic expression of who they truly are, as an opportunity to find a significant level of meaningfulness and connection for themselves, for the people they sing with and perform for and as a source of positive inspiration and impact to the world in which we live.